I am a true believer of Marvel but, above all I am a die-hard Tony Stark fan so sketching Iron Man was a must for me. Here are a few quick steps I followed for making this sketch.

Medium – Pencil and Charcoal on Ivory A-4 paper.

  1. I made a rough sketch using an HB pencil and then started pencil shading beginning from his suit’s helmet.
  2. With the help of 2B, 4B, 6B and 8B pencils, I shaded his neck and chest area.
  3. Now, I used some charcoal colour to make his suit look a little more metallic and realistic.
  4. Similarly, I continued pencil and charcoal shading to cover my entire main sketch, keeping in mind the direction from where light is falling on the subject.


The end result was certainly badass. Wooot!

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